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The third simulation negotiation of creditor's rights of Kailong in Henan Province was successfully concluded

Writer: admin Time:2013-09-19 Browse:

With the continuous downturn of economic growth and the continuous decline of sales market, it is increasingly difficult to recover the company's debt. In order to recover the creditor's rights, reduce the business risks, further improve the creditor's rights collection skills and business capabilities, strengthen the opportunities for mutual learning, and better control the creditor's rights risks of the company, Henan Kailong creditor's rights management headquarters held the "third creditor's rights skills competition" on September 14, 2013.
The opening ceremony of the competition was presided over by Hu Tao, the legal department. In this competition, Kong Zong of Komatsu (China) Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., Zhang Zong of dongruishengshili Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., Bai mengcai, general manager of Henan Kailong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., Shi Guoping, deputy general manager of finance, Yu Jinjin, head of debt management department, and Li Zhufeng, head of technical service department were invited as judges 。 General manager Kong, general manager Zhang and general manager Shi respectively gave opening speeches for the skill competition.
The content of this skill competition has been updated on the basis of the previous one:
1. The data explanation and simulation negotiation are explained by the directors of each region; the simulation negotiation is carried out by the regional creditor's rights or by the directors of each region, and the role of customers is played by the directors of the company's business department and technical service department,
2. Competition time control: 30 minutes for each group of players (15 minutes for information explanation and 15 minutes for negotiation and competition).
The whole competition was held in an atmosphere of "intense, tense and orderly". The creditor and the client fought with wisdom and bravery, together with the host's on-site interaction and the judges' brilliant comments, pushed the competition to another climax. At the award ceremony, the judges commented on the competition one by one. Finally, the rest of the paper summarizes the competition, points out the problems existing in the work of debt collectors, and puts forward the correction plan.
Through this negotiation competition, the creditors found their own deficiencies in work, theoretical knowledge and collection skills need further learning and improvement, but also strengthen the learning ability between each other, take the long to make up for the short, and work together to minimize the risk of the company's creditor's rights.


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