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Henan Kailong kangchashi training

Writer: admin Time:2013-06-20 Browse:

On June 17, 2014, Mr. Zhang hongben, Liu Yina and Lin Jing from Xiaosong (China) ICT promoted the Department to come to Kailong, Henan Province, to conduct systematic training on Xiaosong kangchashi for relevant management personnel of our company.
The main contents of the training are:
1. In view of the unique new functions of Komatsu 8m0 model in kangchashi,
2. Mobile app function demonstration, etc.
Through this training, not only the on-site analysis solved some problems of our company's employees in the use of the system, but also further mastered the new functions of the system. Flexible use of the system can not only help us to lock in the target customers and target areas, but also help customers to analyze the data through the information of equipment operation time, fuel consumption and other aspects to maximize the benefits, so as to strengthen the image of Komatsu brand in the industry and improve our market share.


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Add : No.8, green ring road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China

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