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Henan Kailong held a special lecture on "cherish life and stay away from fire"

Writer: admin Time:2012-05-19 Browse:

On May 18, Henan Kailong headquarters held a special lecture entitled "cherish life and stay away from fire", which was warmly welcomed by the staff.
n order to improve the staff's awareness of fire fighting and prevent the fire from burning, the company specially invited Mr. Ji Yang, the chief instructor of Zhengzhou fire brigade, to popularize fire safety knowledge for the staff.

With the speech of Shi Guoping, deputy general manager, the fire knowledge lecture started. First, instructor Ji Yang explained the hazards, types, prevention, escape and self rescue of the fire in an all-round way. Using PPT, video and other multimedia means, he analyzed the typical fire events in detail, summarized the experience and lessons, and comprehensively and systematically introduced the basic knowledge of fire escape and self rescue and the hidden danger of fire Emergency and prevention, correct use of fire-fighting equipment and precautions for fire prevention in the workplace. Typical cases and painful lessons deeply shocked the hearts of every employee, and also sounded the alarm of everyone's security. Instructor Ji Yang also gave detailed answers to the questions raised by everyone on fire safety. Then, instructor Ji Yang also conducted fire drills with the instructors in the park to teach them how to use dry powder fire extinguishers. Finally, under the guidance of the professional fire instructor, some employees also participated in the high-altitude ladder escape and rescue drill.

Through this fire safety knowledge popularization lecture, the staff further enhanced their awareness of safety prevention, comprehensively mastered scientific and correct fire safety knowledge, and improved their ability of self-protection and emergency response.


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